Pre-order Update #1: Woven Ox Sweaters & Button Downs

Posted by Staff 1 on

Woven Ox Sweater and Ox Button Down Smoke Pre-order

Email sent on Jul 26 2023


Thank you for pre-ordering these items! Production officially started on 7/20/2023. 

The production process is expected to take 8-10 weeks, and we will keep everyone informed with regular updates as we receive them!

Emails like these will be sent out on a monthly basis with the photos and verbal updates we receive on our end!

Stay tuned as we make our way through this production journey together!


All orders containing Woven Ox Sweater and Ox Lantern Button Smoke items are Pre-Order. 

All orders containing these pre-order items will not be shipped out yet. 

Pre-orders have now closed and production will take an estimate of 8-10 weeks. 

8-10 weeks is an estimate and final fulfillment dates are subject to change. 

No worries though! 

As we make it through the production process, we will keep everyone updated through emailsdiscord, and our social

Thanks in advance for your patience as we get these items made and on their way to you!

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Pre-order - Woven Ox Sweater and Ox Button Down

pre-orders updates

Pre-order Update #2: Woven Ox Sweaters & Button Downs

By Staff 1

Update #2 Email sent on Aug. 8, 2023 Woven Ox Sweater and Ox Button Down Smoke Pre-order The Ox sweaters have been completed and are...

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