Emailed on April 28, 2022
The end is near!
We've finally finished production, quality checked everything, and boxed it all up! 📦
Our manufacturer had to rent a whole separate warehouse to store all the finished goods!
Take a look at all these cheese blocks!
The finished products patiently waited here until the designated shipping company was able to secure a shipping container and a boat.
Yesterday, our manufacturer said the truck had finally arrived to load all the Trash Taste merch into the shipping container!
The boxes got in line to board the truck!
All loaded and ready to travel to the port!
Now that the production phase has come to a close, we've entered the Shipping to Apari HQ phase!
The truck of boxes will now travel to the shipping port where it will catch a boat on May 8th.
The boat will then travel by sea to it's destination port in Florida. The boat has an estimated time of arrival of June 5th!
Once the boat arrives to our port, we will clear customs and arrange a different truck to finish transporting the goods to our Apari HQ in Tampa, FL!
We predict that we will finally be able to start fulfillment around mid June!
Please expect the next meaty update sometime around then!
If new information arises before June, we will definitely let you know!
The production journey of a pre-order is a long one, so let's summarize the process below and see where we currently stand!
✅Pre-order launch 12/10/21 - 12/31/21
✅Tally and order placement 1/3/22
✅ Production 1/3/22 - 4/25/22
✅ Quality check and shipment prep 3/21/22 - 4/25/22
⏳ Shipping to Apari Warehouse 4/27/22 - 6/5/22
🚫Fulfillment and shipping to you!
Estimated early to mid June! Expect the next meaty update sometime around then!
Based off our current progress, we can define a fulfillment date more accurately!
Currently we have an ETA to Florida of June 5.
Once the merch arrives to the port, we will arrange a truck to finish transporting the items to our Apari HQ.
Based off this information we predict to start fulfillment around mid June.
Let's hope things move a little faster, but for now let's count the days until June!
All items from the Trash Taste Collection are Pre-Order.
Any orders including the Trash Taste collection will not be shipped out yet.
We are currently projected to start fulfillment around Mid June.
However, this is an estimate and final fulfillment dates are subject to change due to unforeseeable delays during shipping and port transfers.
No worries though!
As we make it through the production process, we will keep everyone updated through these emails, our discord, and Instagram.
Thanks in advance for your patience as we get these items made and on their way to you!
If you ordered items that are not part of the Trash Taste collection and would like those items shipped out separately, please send an email to contact@apari.com to make arrangements.